Streaming Video: Preventing Preanalytical Errors (annual subscription)

A training video from the Applied Phlebotomy series streamed online to your computer through the Phlebotomy Channel. What's the Phlebotomy Channel?
Running time: 38 minutes
Year of publication: 2021
Terms of Use: View the License Agreement.
Closed-captioned: by the National Captioning Institute
Prefer the DVD? Click here.
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CONTENT:This video is fully revised and updated to reflect the recently revised CLSI standards. It list 12 of the most common errors those who draw, process, handle, store and transport blood samples commit that alter test results. The effects of prolonged tourniquet time, order of draw, complications with IV fluids, fasting and more are highly detailed with emphasis on their impact on test results and patient care. Includes access to CE questions for inhouse use. This video qualifies viewers to obtain 1 unit of P.A.C.E. continuing education credit. (Additional fee applies.)
Note: this is for an annual subscription only. For one-time viewing, purchase the single-view license.